and his (soft-soap) Calvinistic Gospel
When I deliberately turned on to a 'christian radio' station recently (which is rare for me)  I was not surprised to hear rock 'n roll and cheery endorsements for rock stars who give monies liberally to the poor (but not without blowing a trumpet) while ignoring messiah's first command

It wasn't long and a 'churched' speaker seasoned indeed, programmed for the likes of the majority and growing churches.....(man made)......Opened his mouth.

This man started his dreary story with the usual prayer of the pharisee, long and plastic. It was this one particular quote that gave me insight into the depth of this man's understanding (of the Christ and his doctrine) very shallow I must say.....
CLICK Quote:
"We gather together here today in a world terrorised by a few" .........Chuck Swindoll.
I challenge all readers to think about what Chuck said, regarding 'few' and then click here.

A couple of other grand quotes of Chuck's are......
"All people who call Jesus Lord have their name inthe Book of Life"... and... "I preach on what I need to hear and I listen in"....ref/Luke 6:46, Matthew

Chuck the man and woman pleaser is also happy to quote 'AA' when he's stuck for words, actually, if Chuck didn't forever quote the writings of so many other 'churched' peoples I don't know if he would even have anything to say. I suppose he could always start a 'tour guide' in Israel with cut price deals for pensioners, the family and single mums.

Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets....
   Pastor Paul Sheehan
   Hosea 6:5


P.S.   I am sure there will be abundant 'backslapping baptists' ready to support Chuck on reading this rebuke. Many who are hell-bent on endorsing Chuck's (world friendly) Peace Talks.........Matthew 10:34-36.