"Behold also the ships, which, though they be so great., and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, wither -soever the Governor listeth.

James 3:4

An old pilot, trusted and wise, one night many years ago, was taking his vessel up between the coasts of Wales and Ireland. He had been over the course innumerable times without disaster. This night, nearing port and home, he was running full steam ahead. With his keen eye he watched compass and chart. Suddenly a sickening, crashing sound., on the hidden rocks went the vessel. Loss of life, loss of ship, marked the wreck. Later In Investigating the wreckage, close anti interested examination revealed that someone, in seeking to clean or tamper with the compass, had slipped a thin knife blade Into the compass box., near the needle, and the blade had broken off. That little piece of foreign steel was sufficient to deflect, though only slightly, the needle by which the clear-eyed pilot was steering the boat. When he thought he was on the true course, he was really rushing toward the rocks. SUCH A LITTLE THING - SUCH A MIGHTY WRECK. (1 Kings 13:11-26).