St Paul speaks to the church at Corinth and his conversation is about
light, the light, actually...the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the
face of Jesus Corinthians!!!
The apostle says that he and we, have renounced craftiness and deceitfulness and he
and those with him have moved on to the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. This
would be a wonderful thing to see, hear about and find in today's churches wouldn't you
agree? But there's not a lot of money in it.
However, being the end times period we can surely expect things to worsen as each day
dawns, that is if Jesus words are true and I believe they are. If I have witnessed
anything in churches since I was born again, born a second time it would have to be men
and women walking in craftiness, men and women who handle the word of God, the scriptures,
the holy bible deceitfully.....2 Timothy 3:13.
E.G/Ben Hinn, Ken and Gloria Copeland, Mrs Joyce Meyer, Mr Siddiki, Jerry
Savelle, Brian Houston, Yongi Cho, Robert Schuller and Son, Clark Taylor, James Robison,
Rod Parsley, Oral Roberts, Rex Humbard, Dave Hunt, Charles Stanley and these are but a few
of the many off the top of my head, so to speak. Don't forget Creflo Dollar .....Click
(the Dr Patel's of religion, theological butchers) |
I am aware that many and most church peoples would be outraged by what I
just said but the facts remain that those ones are lukewarm, compromising, crafty and
deceitfully handling the word of God. There are holes everywhere in their teaching and the
truth is not being manifested, made known, publicised, its not wanted not even needed so
most think and
Doctrine only brings trouble, division, don't worry about it, just concentrate on
being positive (unity, love) regardless to what holy ghost says to the churches. People
who handle the word deceitfully, sell it, compromise it for friends and family and twist
scripture to not only please carnal appetites but also to please their own selfish
ambitions. Ambitions that are brought about by an unconverted life which is fed and
nourished by crafty, deceitful ministers who come in the name of Jesus and Love, speaking
great swelling words, new age
Manifestation of truth is hard to come by these days, at best most ever only seem to get a
watered down version, the amplified most certainly not the Christ Crucified but always
something to gratify the flesh and fantastic fans.
Did you notice that St Paul commended himself to men's consciences not to men and this is
where the penny drops. Paul ministered and wrote with the conscience in mind not the pride
or the flesh. And if you will ask your conscience about this letter you read today even so
your conscience will be commanded to say yeah and amen that is if you are his ....Jesus
the Christ and you have heard him and been taught by him....Ephesians 4:21.