(what Messiah 'has' done but do
we want to know?) |
We no doubt edge toward a more clearer view of reality
through the scriptures which enables us to distance ourselves from sin,
self, satan, the wrath to come and hell-fire-eternal not to mention the one
world-ecumenical church movement.......
Own, self desires, putting self in the forefront, the feeding of the
lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life was obviously the
enticement that tempted Mrs./Pastor Eve Dusty Rib of the ECM/Eden and won
out to the detriment of humanity at large, satan the devil being the
promotions manager of course. Consideration leads to persuasion.
'Seduction is no secret' but many a gull has believed it is or are
these people secretly looking for a scapegoat for their own selfish desires,
this too is satanic to the core. The devil loves to make men and women feel
and believe that they are good people and that no one was born a sinner
because of the blunder, willful blunder of Adam and Eve, initiated by the
woman of course.....(own desires).
● Seduce...persuade to commit wrong, to
tempt, attract or lure.......Collins Compact.
Seduction is well known to God and well known to men and women but it is
also attractive and filled with promises that never really transpire as they
have been originally presented by the tempter....James 1:12-16...selah.
If we can be persuaded to commit wrong/sin we have willfully opened our
heart to satan and we willfully choose (as Eve did) to be seduced
although well knowing that what we are about to do is forbidden by the
creator, God Almighty, Jesus the Christ. So are we any better than the
person who deliberately goes out to sin, if we are seduced and we answer yes
to the seducer?
We are certainly no better off. I believe the buck stops with each
individual and the belt of truth is tightening like never before for messiah
comes and he will come at a time unawares to the lukewarm church peoples....Revelation
To make the comment....."The Secret Seduction or The Seduction of
Christianity" is to fuel and endorse the 'buck passers parade'
secretly and to indirectly call the holy scriptures a lie. For sin is our
choice and it has been that way ever since the Christ called with a loud
voice..."It is Finished"!!!!....click.
Seductions, secret seductions teachings along with casting demons out of so called
born-again christ lovers is all concocted by the unconverted minds of
religious men and women. Myriads of books written on these subjects
have people spinning in confusion about God, the outworking of the cross of
the Christ, self-deception, true salvation and the rightful residents of
eternal-hell fire.....click.
Let this letter be heralded from the roof tops with certainty and surety
that all may find freedom from sin, self, satan the wrath to come and
eternal-hell, by way of unadulterated truth, Christ's Doctrine.
Blessed (heavenly happy) is the man who endures temptation for when
he has been proved, then and 'only then' will he receive the
'Crown of Life' which is promised to those (only) who love (obey)
him, Jesus the Christ...James 1:12, John 14:23.
Paul Sheehan |
10.02.2008 |
http://www.fireandhammer.com |