FOR GOD IS LOVE ..................
1 JOHN 4:8. |
I like to
run checks on certain ministries, preachers and churches now and then just to see how
things are transpiring and very seldom if at all come to find that they have the slightest
desire to change the false road they are on or persuade others to do likewise ...Micah
7: 1-7.
Mrs Joyce Meyer a word of faith believer and teacher said this on a t.v. show on
the 231001 ... I AM LOVE! .. and then she had all her faithful followers say the
same thing with all their might.. emphasis on followers of her.
No Joyce, you are Mrs Meyer a clay footed female who at one time in her life had met
Jesus the Christ but what happened after that no one is really sure.
Mrs Meyer went on to tell the congregation to never look at themselves as they really are
but to see themselves as God does .. what is that?
She said we must call those things that aren't as though they are. The scripture she and
all word of faith promoters use very often. It is with this very quote that they snare
many in their web of make believe .. 2 Peter 2:2,3.
For anyone to say that they are love .. is to say that you are God Almighty.. that you
are the great I am ..
The picture that .. word of faith ministers paint continually is all about self, higher
living standards in this world, conceit and vain glory. We are not able to parallel any of
this with .. living sacrifices/Romans 12:1,2.
It is not great and swelling declarations of self that make for victory in this life. Nor
is it from more money, more friends and more of all that will enable us to accept
ourselves and others .. it is the cross that makes all things possible... the work
accomplished by Christ and through Him.
So here we have the word of faith teachers saying prosperity, riches, self esteem, more
and positive confessions will make you a victorious, contented, holy soldier of the Christ
and the word of God preachers saying that it is all in .. the cross!.. I know
which one I'll believe.. 1 Corinthians 2:2.
Mrs Meyer .. who also teaches .. forget about perfection, you will only
disappoint yourself .. be content with who you are and she gets herself a big old face
lift, vanities of vanities says the preacher. Mrs Meyer, along with her fellow ministers
.. Hinn, Schuller, Sevelle, Copeland, Hagin and Price are all tarred with the same brush
and likewise are heading to the same place, the place prepared for the .. liar and all
those who have added to and taken away from the word of God for their own selfish gain .. that
place is called hell fire.
However, God Almighty in His amazing grace will forgive the vilest of offenders if they
truly repent of their sins.. Amen.
Pastor Paul Sheehan |
11.11.2001 |
http://www.fireandhammer.com |