It was an awesome experience, Sunday morning 11am/04.07.04 in
a little QCWA Hall Ipswich, Qld, Australia as I sat riveted under the 'profound purging
effect' of the Holy Spirit speaking through a 'separated' vessel.....Pastor:
Paul Sheehan .............ref/1 Corinth 1:17
The very same amazing message I had heard approx. 55 years before from the lips of my own
dad after the flesh and 'dad' in the faith....1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (and into chapter 10):
'One Receives The Prize/Crown Of Eternal Life'. also read James 1:12-15
A last-day call to the professing Christian Church, lest by any means having preached unto
others, they should be a castaway/shipwreck, as Israel who fell in the wilderness, under
the illusion of being the unconditionally predestinated people of God.
What joined the spirits of those two men 55 years apart, unknown to each other
and in different corners of the globe??? |
I would have to say: It was the Spirit which they
shared....The Holy Spirit, speaking a holy message for those who have an ear to hear what
the Spirit is saying again to unholy churches!
I recommend the message, available on, cd.......(free of charge)
Better for 04.07.04
Brother Donald Wilson
PH: 0438 160 137
Luke 13:6-9