christcross.gif (1976 bytes) CRUCIFIED OR GRATIFIED?

St Paul is speaking to christians who are at Ephesus, these were born-again as we all so often use the term. Yet, Paul speaks as though he had doubts about the profession of some or maybe even many...........St Paul says.......if!

How many have heard Him and been taught by Him?.....and if they have, why do they continue on to live as though they had never heard a word he / Jesus has said, commanded or written?.............Luke 6:46, Ezekiel 33:30-33.

The word gospel in its deepest sense means..........
unquestionable truth or faultless words or pure and perfect words that will set you straight or words without variance........1Peter 1:22-25........words that deliver from sin.

The true gospel or the gospel of Jesus the Christ will crucify the flesh and its lusts while the false gospel or the gospel of Beelzebub crucifies Lord Jesus afresh and gratifies the flesh and its lusts................all the way to eternal hellfire.

If we have heard Jesus by the power of holy ghost, the paraclete and actually been taught by him through a true instrument / vessel / minister of God well we......all, man or woman shall speak as he / Jesus and bear testimony of that by our lives today................... St Paul said.........I say therefore and testify / verse 17, same chapter.

Most church goers are just being taught by mere men and even women today. These are not spiritual men or women and it is easy to spot them because their message would never crucify the flesh and its lusts in a million years. Actually the exact opposite accures...........their teachings, words, books, videos and audios all make provision for the flesh and its lust............1Timothy 4:1,2.

The gospel of Beelzebub is a real crowd drawer, man pleaser and woman pleaser, always has been, the laodecians prospered handsomely from this very same gospel, The Gospel of Gratification of the Flesh..............2Corinthians 13:5,6.

St Paul a real, true, apostle said, that God forbid that he should glory except in the cross of Jesus the Christ.........Galatians 6:14A.

Is the spirit ministering in the pulpit of your church or is it just a mere man or woman repeating what another mere man or woman told them to say?.......if you have heard him and have been taught by him / Jesus, I can assure you this, you would have sufficient fear of God and wisdom of God not to argue with or kick against the truth. And you will also know that Jesus is not going to judge you for what you think you are or what someone else thinks you are but for what you really are. This letter was taken from the pulpit of JTCM / 220603, the entire message is captured on audio, call today for your free copy.............07 3818 9830........


Pastor Paul Sheehan