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  • SALVATION from sin (and its consequences) is by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • SIN IS SELF-LORDSHIP,self-pleasing, self-love, self-control, or other persons control of us. That is, we yield to the dictates of our own desires, mind, ego, inclinations, ambitions, and to natural considerations or that of culture, creeds, trends, friends, family, and the mighty dollar. most times as a normal thing or with 'good intent'.......maybe with Christ as a close second! - hardly acceptable to the Lord and Creator of heaven and earth!

    No wonder, according to His Word, we stand condemned in such a condition.

    However, SALVATION IS CHRIST-LORDSHIP......... ...freedom from sin (self-lordship) and its consequences.
    God in Christ becomes our Lord in truth.
    It is a complete take-over of our past present and future.
    Our past is FORGIVEN and our present and future is controlled and cared for by Him.

  • FORGIVENESS is the gift of a 'clean sheet', Christ's own righteousness imputed to us; and so the penalty of sin is revoked. Christ reconciles us to God as no one or nothing else could!

    This is GOD'S GRACE....big time at the cost of THE PRECIOUS SHED BLOOD OF CHRIST - Him dying our death!!

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  • OUR ACCEPTANCE is the only condition for its fulfilment -our heart- acceptance of Christ - His Lordship, forgiveness, imputed righteousness and subsequent care.
  • OUR ACCEPTANCE , if it is real, is called faith-'UNFEIGNED FAITH'. And so it is 'salvation by grace (God's grace), through faith (our faith-acceptance of that grace).
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The point at which we resign self-lordship/control (sin) in favour of Christ's Lordship/control is called REPENTANCE.

True REPENTANCE & FAITH, according to Scripture, is effected by MOUTH-CONFESSION from the heart, and TOTAL IMMERSION in water -as is possible (not the heathenish practice of  sprinkling or infant baptism). For total immersion typifies a complete spiritual washing, and death, burial and resurrection - a birthing of the new life in and through Christ - not 'new cloth to an old garment!'

When our repentant faith-acceptance of Christ is genuine (accepting His Lordship, forgiveness and righteousness),  Christ's divine nature is birthed within us by His Spirit, and thereafter we choose to walk in that new nature, up to the light we have and continue to receive.
  • That is, we continue to say 'yes' to Jesus and mean it. We obey His Word, irrespective! for we cannot at one time  accept and reject (by known sin) Christ's Lordship and imputed righteousness; that is, accept both righteousness and sin......Romans 11:22.
  • UNFORSAKEN SIN IS NOT SALVATION, because it is a rejection of Christ, not a faith-acceptance of His Lordship and righteousness, up to the light we have.
  • TRUE REPENTANT-FAITH does not alternate between 'yes' and 'no', obedience and disobedience, acceptance and rejection. (See 1 Corinthians 7:9-11, Matthew 12:33.)

    Unforsaken sin is always damnable, irrespective of our faith-profession, religious affiliations or endeavours, goodworks, past salvation, supernatural gifts or spiritual calling. Jesus not Lord of all is not Lord at all!
  • No wonder the false-faith/unbelief of popular evangelical traditional theology stands condemned with its failure to produce a holy church; and when known sin is accepted as an object of love or some learning curve, and we merely 'do the best we can', for 'all is covered by the blood', and 'grace is unconditional', and 'love covers all (known) sin', and 'once saved invariably means always saved'; and Paul's recounted unconverted experience of Romans 7:7-24 is represented as his converted experience, and the immoral (known sinful) carnality of 1 Corinthians 5 is confused and aligned with the amoral (non-sinful) carnal ignorance of 1 Corinthians 3; and finally, 'heaven is for all, and hell ceases to exist'!

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  • Surely such sure-to-damn doctrines are devilishly designed to desensitise the conscience, and in effect make almost non-existant the line between the church and the world, church and state, and church and warmongers and whoremongers of state.
    Light is mixed with darkness, and good with evil, producing a lukewarm, comfortable, popular Laodicean church, and a gospel which is not "the power of God unto salvation from sin', and pastors, who for the notoriety of it, gladly strike hands with the antichrist-incarnate posing as the father-figure of the church universal........ ........harlot-spiritual.

    May God save us firstly from such doctrines, and then a church which would teach them, that we may be saved from sin and eternal destruction, and be a holy people for His glory and praise, knowing that 'without holiness no man shall see God!' and 'they who endure to the end shall be saved!' Amen?

    How easy to see why good seed sown into stony ground endures but for a while, and then withers away.........stony ground, in which the repentance-content and call for 'fruits equal to repentance' is disregarded, and therefore the known sin, maybe unseen below the surface, lie undisturbed, so the good seed has no place for proper root;

  • while hybrid/weed seed sown into stony ground  flourishes!..... ..............the presentation of 'another Jesus', a compromising Christ, unpreceeded by the fore-runner - John the Baptist (though for sure not a Baptist!) and his message of true faith-repentance.

    'Carnal Christianity' is the name of the game, and an 'uncommitted' (defacto style) Christian is a Christian, and we mock-worship a teddy-bear Jesus!

  • Brother, sister, where do you stand in all of this?
    On blood-bought holy ground?

    Today is judgment day for the Christian......and the professing Christian! (1 Peter 4:17, John 9:39, 1 Corinthians 5:12-13, 11:31-32, Revelation 2:5, 16: 3:3-5, 15-18.)
clickblackwhite.gif (1318 bytes) By Brother Donald Wilson


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