You may have noticed and you may not have noticed that our
message on .....The Armour of God......shows a man dressed in armour with no
sword and no shield.
These are the very things missing from the churches in Australia today and throughout the
entire earth.....(click here).
The words/teachings of the Christ and Faith in Yahweh instead of money, bar codes and
With the armour of God/Jesus, every single part forever leads all back to the same
place......the oracles, sayings, words, teachings, truth, commands of Messiah....
...........James 1:22.(reading and doing).
Most church goers and leaders don't even know that the sword and the shield are missing,
they are Laodecian and prove it to all. Their folly is manifest to all by their price
tags, bar codes and worldly principles just as St Paul said to the Colossians and St John
said to the born - again, Spirit filled but not Spirit led Laodecian Denomination of the
past and present day.....Colossians 2:8, 2Timothy 3:1-5.
The Full Armour of God/Yahweh is precisely, perfectly and simply described in this
manner....... |
- I will give you shepherds that will feed you with understanding and
knowledge...........of Yahweh........... (in accord with his Jesus heart).....Jeremiah
Pastor Paul Sheehan
Barking real loud on a daily basis!
Isaiah 56:10, 11.
(Click here)