I have a full-blood brother,
And similar sister too.
Both of the Lord are siblings,
In what they say and do.
For Jesus said, His family,
Consists of those who hear
And do the Word of Father,
With favour not, nor fear.
And e'en of Lady Mary,
He said it was the same;
She was not His true mother,
If only that in name!
He classed repentant sinners,
Who left their worldly ways,
As of His household holy,
If such to end of days.
Church members were a problem,
Wherever Jesus went.
They said a lot, but lesser did...
Their life to God but lent!
But 'born-of-God' is real! -
A brand-new nature sent;
Unfazed by church charisma,
By current trends unbent.
Though it's a lonely pathway,
(Not really with the Lord!)
Proceed we on with caution,
Kept safe by Spirit's sword.
Ungodly winds of doctrine.
Can ne'er 'gainst such prevail.
His life pulsates within us;
His Word naught can assail!
His Blood is not mere covering,
For sins remaining still;
Is not some magic potion,
Like some demonic pill!
But that which truly cleanses,
In heart and soul and mind.
It is a true salvation,
Not of the modern kind!
So now, my new found brother!
(Is what I'd love to say),
May you be deeply 'couraged
To say this very day
A big big 'YES' to Jesus...
From sin be born again,
Into th' eternal family-
Blood-washed...'neath Spirit's reign!