Bible verse............For indeed the Gospel was preached to us as well as to them....but the Word which they heard...did not profit them.....not being mixed....with faith (obedience) in those who heard it....ref/Hebrews 4:2.

.................COMMENT FROM THE PASTOR'S PEN......................
One of the first and major signs that the Gospel of Jesus the Christ has prospered a person is that they are numbered with those who despise money and love God-Jesus the Christ first and foremost...ref/Matthew 6:24, Luke 19:1-10.....Selah......click.

Application is Relaxation....yes, we can truly relax, rest and be at peace, once we hear, receive, believe and apply the bonafide Word of God to our lives. This will bring us into perfect-peace. There was no relaxation, peace or rest for Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden once they sinned. All because they were not applying God's Word to their lives, they were not taking faith in the Christ-God....ref/Isaiah 26:3, Genesis 3:8......click.

Sin is not 'Faith in God' but unbelief of God, who he is and who he says he is. We can not please God unless we believe he is who he says he is. Application is relaxation and proves our dedication to God, if you love me keep my doctrine-Word. Have faith in God, obey God, apply God's Word to your life.....ref/Revelation 3:7-13.....click.

Application is Relaxation...we no longer have to live with a guilty conscience looking over our shoulder when we apply the Word of God to our lives. For he- Jesus the Christ keeps in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed faithfully on the Way of the Lord God Omniscient. No matter how blue the skies may be, what the cruise or holiday destination is, there is no rest, relaxation or peace with sin, unless of course your conscience is seared with the hot irons of hell or
God has handed you over to the devil...ref/Romans 1:24-32.
Application is Revelation....the application of God's Word in our lives is proof that we love him and application also warrants revelation. All the men in the bible who applied God's Word - Perfect Law of Liberty or the Doctrine of the Christ as it is better known to their lives received powerful revelations. Once we come to realize the truth about this life, heaven, hell, ourselves, others, God, sin and the Devil, every day is a Jubilee Day.

St Paul being the leading man who had so much revelation given to him from God, he needed to be buffeted by a satanic messenger, as an additional blessing from God to keep him from the sin of pride....ref/2 Corinthians 12:7.

Application is also Restoration....Our mind, will and emotions are not able to be restored to a Godly standard unless we walk the paths of Righteousness. King David said that Yahweh restores his soul-mind, will and emotions. Restore means to bring back to the original condition, the condition our mind was in before we were born of a woman. Remember. Yahweh says that he knew Jeremiah before he entered the womb of his mum......ref/Jeremiah 1:5.....Selah.
And he leads him in the right direction, paths of righteousness, the only right way. There is only one left and one right and the right way is God's Way - Jesus the Christ says....I am the Way! Putting on the mind of the Christ sure beats thinking like a degenerated hell-bound human.....ref/Psalm 23:3.

And finally, Non-Application is damnation and condemnation.....yes, when a man or woman does not apply the Word of God to their lives, they are heading for trouble and hell-fire eternal. We must be doers of the Doctrine of the Christ and not just hearers deceiving ourselves. Otherwise the all powerful Word of God - Jesus the Christ will not profit us......ref/2 Thessalonians 1:8-10, Romans 8:1.


This simply means that if a person is content with God alone, it is this one that is put on the  list called 'Great Gain'. Great gain will be given to them for this one single reason, Jesus the Christ is their preeminent one and they are satisfied with Jesus, satisfied with him, Jesus alone, Messiah simply loves this attitude in new creatures. Their gain will be from heaven itself and of heaven itself, absolutely heavenly not of this sin cursed earth but heavenly.

Goodly and perfect, from the heavenly Father of lights in whom there is no change or variation of turning. Father-Ancient of Days, loves those who love/obey 'His Son - Jesus the Christ'....ref/Revelation 22:12, James 1:17, John 14:23.....click

Pastor Paul Sheehan

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