God never gave a better gift to Adam than his wife,
Together with a law of love, to keep at bay all strife,
Uniting both unto their God, and both of them for life;
Precluding that which is Satanic, (which now we know runs rife).

It was a 'house' upon the Rock, withstanding storm and tide;
For life is not an easy road, nor just a downhill ride.
For anything which is worthwhile must to the test be put,
To check if on the Rock remains, or on some wayward foot.

We all know now (or should, at least)  what hap'ed to Adam, Eve,
With noses thumbed unto their God, they did a lie conceive -
Satanic lie! Satanic seed! 'No law of God we need'.
We write our own to suit our case, based on the law of greed!

'And, God is love! His word untrue - that sin begets a curse' -
In fact, of death, eternal death, (and nothing could be worse),
Unless from sin we soon repent, no more our vomit eat!
And come again unto our God, in Jesus name, complete,
To build again a holy house, based on God's holy Word,
When man respects his God in heaven, wom'n her holy 'lord'!

'But no! we won't accept such rubbish! not now, these modern days!'
And so we lurch from pill to post(!) like in a mental craze.
And churches too feed in the fuel, that all in love and war
Is fair - with phoney 'grace' abetting, a love of sin at core!

And so our whole society disintegrates e'en more;
And no one has the answer to our self-made evil core.
But God's own answer still stands true: "Repent (reform), obey,
Give up your pride, rebelliousness, your godless 'I am boss!';
Climb down from your haughty perch, or be knocked down with loss
Exceeding the conceivable - twin towers, but children's blocks
Upon the sands of time so short, a ship upon the rocks;"

With but a remnant, nuisance! blot! on our society!
(No more a welcome sight than One, they nailed upon a tree!)
Who yet live seems in happiness, a relay of first Eden;
Where man and wife relationship, is BUT A TOUCH OF HEAVEN!

● 1 Peter 3:1-7

● Brother Donald Wilson