John Wesley, although a man noted for his diligence toward God and the drawing of crowds from afar, apparently believed and taught that........the doctrine of "Absolute Predestination-Salvation by Election-Once Saved Can Not Be Lost-Once Saved Really Saved' was a teaching that was dangerous, false and drove people to perdition/destruction.

But what of his apparent fellowship-friendship and association with church ministers who promoted (this very doctrine-this other gospel) the very thing he opposed?......Surely this is double-mindedness if anything. Yes, whether we like it or not there are other Gospels with other Spirits propelling them under the name of Jesus, evening a gospel that draws crowds, beware!....ref/Galatians 1:6-10, 2 Corinthians 11:1-4.....click.

Was Wesley loyal to the conviction and revelation that the Christ gave him or even loyal to the Christ and His Doctrine for that matter? One thing is for sure, St. John and the apostle Paul were loyal to their saviour and, their conviction.......Jesus the Christ....true examples indeed....ref/2 John 9-11, Ephesians 5:11, Acts 20:20-27....Selah.

'Loyalty to the Christ will without question cost you everything that the Adamic-Nature prizes and the Christos-Nature Despises'....... Pastor: Paul Sheehan........JTCM Mission
www.fireandhammer.com........it's definitely think time.......click.