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The dead worship the dead!
And the dead bury the dead!

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(Luke 24:5, Matthew 8:22, Matthew 23:23-36)

Papa/Pope John Paul II has trumped them all. Every pentecostal, evangelical, charismatic, automatic and political leader ever, the Pontiff outran them all with popularity, numbers, meeting-attendance even (one million Plus) funeral attendance. Surely this one was the anointed of Jesus Christ. Maybe the other Jesus but by no means the real Jesus who was so popular he was slaughtered even as a beast is slaughtered on the kill floor of a common meat abattoir......2 Corinthians 11:4.

As we reflect on the past gatherings, funeral arrangements and all the wonderful comments about this leader of the 'Harlot Church' we can only be astonished at the ridiculous statements made about this unsaved, (man ordained) religious idol.........Pope John Paul II...(click).

We all have witnessed the compromise and betrayal of the Christ's Scriptures/Doctrine, with the unveiling of the true hearts of both church and state leaders. Head of the reprobates would have to be that Texas Christian who discharges missiles whilst fasting, the dishonourable George W Bush himself......(click).

It simply amazes me exactly how many people known and unknown, great and small, rich and poor who are into worshipping the dead and did not the real Jesus say....'let the dead bury the dead'.....(click).

And why do you look for the living among the dead????....well why?....especially the so called American Christian Government (so called born again and family first peoples) why would these professing christians, followers of the despised Christ aid and abet such a hypocritical performance. It's a wonder Ben Hinn wasn't in the front row with George W. Ben is no doubt the Pentecostal Pope for today.

I can only nail this whole sham down to one outcome. And that is, that the scriptures must come to pass, there must be great apostasy, and deception before the coming of Messiah, even revival of the Whore.

The one-world church, is really starting to show her painted face, the harlot who rides the beast is giving the entire world a glimpse of her deceptive (ugly) beautiful face not to mention her drawing power and ability to deceive even the most pompous educated hypocrite.

I believe without doubt we can now all rest in peace and unfailing assurance that next time (and there will be one) we hear the crowds roar and the people gather in their myriads we (the holy remnant) will be able to say (as with this Pope) it's only the one-world church again doing her!..

Rejected and despised of men!
Pastor Paul Sheehan
Isaiah 53:3, Luke 17:10

P.S.......I know I'm taking on a 'big bitch' here but the shepherd boy David took on the giant too......amen?