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When I think of you my lord
I think of all the trees
The long the short the fat
the thin the shrubs and
all the twigs......

Everything you have given us
is all so beautiful but there
is not one thing I can See
as beautiful as thee...

Jesus, beautiful, prince of peace,
my mighty one, Jesus, beautiful,
prince of peace, my mighty God.

When I see a butterfly pass on by
on a summers day, I think to myself
Jesus you're so wonderful your so

Then I get to singing 'how great thou
art' and my troubles just roll away
and I am left with nothing else to say
but what I am about to say...
Jesus, beautiful, prince of peace my
mighty one, Jesus, beautiful,  prince of
peace my mighty God.

The rainbow comes on the rainy day
to say he'll flood no more, he gives
us his commandments that we may walk
strong and tall but there is one thing
that he requires that we open up our hearts

That he may come and fill us with his joy
and peace and love....
Author - PMJ Sheehan
Bible Ref/Isaiah 9:6
Written - 1989
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