(from the truth)

I believe that churches and so called ministers just get more ridiculous and deceiving by the day.....and Messiah, Yeshua said exactly that didn't he now. Our Holy bible records the .....great apostasy.......before he, Jesus takes his saints not sinner saints but spotless saints upward........2 Thessalonians 2:1-12.
One question before we move can anyone apostasise from something or someone without first having a connection?...................very interesting.

Pastor Myles Munroe friend of Ben Hinn has recently written a book on prayer and he says..."God needs our permission to do things on the earth and is waiting for us to give him that permission.....once again we are witnessing the teaching of.......the God that was made for man.

I'd walk a million miles for one of ya smiles mamma!
Paul Sheehan (shepherd, watchman)
Galatians 2:14, Amos 3:3.

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Footnote: How much wood can a wood chopper chop?........Hosea 6:5- selah!