My Message to all is........

I had been wanting to find a Church Service for Christmas Eve, a Church Service that the kids could understand.
I remember seeing Pastor Paul preaching down at the local shops so I asked him where his Church was and so he told me. It’s funny because the first Sunday we were there at JTCM-Mission, Pastor told us they didn’t Celebrate ‘Christmas’ which I had believed in all my life … ref/Galatians 4: 8-11. ……… Click

I was shocked when I was told that Christmas Day supposedly existed even before Jesus was born … re/Song - ‘Mary’s Boy Child’.. Click

“Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day”.

All of a sudden I no longer believed in the Unbiblical-Unfounded Season…. Christmas. …….

I had been bought up in the same Church almost my whole life and had been studying with the ‘Jehovah Witnesses’ also, in the last couple of years but the first time I sat in and listened to the teachings at ‘Jesus the Christ Ministries-Mission’ it became real that this was what I had been looking for… ref/Matthew 7:7.

Hell was very real and so was heaven. I am so glad the Lord lead us (my family and I) to The Truth. I am aware that there is much more to Learn and Obey and that it will be hard at times but not as hard as being turned away from God’s Kingdom. Praise God always .. ref/Matthew 7:13,14.

I never really looked forward to Sundays because they were too close to Mondays but now I look forward to Sundays knowing there’s a Message to be heard… (a Message is a Messengers Mission)… Click

Sister: Roleta Nuuola
JTCM-Mission, Brisbane
Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God .. or rather are known by God .. how is it that you are Turning Back to those Weak and Miserable Principles? Do you wish to be Enslaved by them All Over Again? You are ‘Observing .. Special Days, Months, Seasons and Years’!......

I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you .. Ref/Galatians 4:8-11