● Few obviously know and are
aware that God does not contradict himself neither does
he make mistakes or lie........click.
It is the responsibility of all ministers to inform
their congregations and their communities of the
'Full Counsel of God'. Not overlooking any truths or
helpful hints lest the peoples miss the mark and end up
in that horrid place called hell-fire-eternal due to a
(willfully) misguided coward teacher, pastor,
minister/church leader.....click. |
- Jesus was born of a
virgin-village-girl/Mary in a stable at Bethlehem
but does this justify the 'season' concocted
by men and women throughout the ages?......no it
We can find no mention not even a whisper of any
apostle of the Christ teaching the 'true'
church about and how to celebrate the birth of the
saviour as a bonafide tradition to be upheld and
kept come what may. What was wrong with the apostles
of the Christ that they did not make this canon and
set aside a certain day, week, month, year or
'season' for this baby boy?......and where was
the tree with its bells and whistles, the
exploitation of the poor and the sudden fly by night
recognition of a saviour of What??
- Christmas was not
orchestrated by the 'true' church, it's
head/Jesus or any apostolic 'men'. It was and is and
always will be an invention and tradition of carnal
men and women, a work of the degenerated minds
of men and women, the flesh. Men and women basically
giving a Cain offering rather than an Abel offering
to God........Genesis 4:4, 5.
- Christmas is presented as
'a season' of each year a 'season' to
get excited about (a baby jesus boy) and to
really lash out heartily with generosity wall to
wall but doesn't St. Paul tell us to be as this all
year both in giving ourselves to Jesus and to
others? St. Paul also tells us that the keeping of
days, months, years and seasons are practices of the
spiritually blind and the double-minded. Peoples who
have not managed to grasp the full understanding of
the Christ's coming or 'The Cross' and its
outworking (delivering) power and liberty,
people who live in the shadow only not the
'substance' - the Christ........Galatians 4:10,
11, 20.
- Christmas is a making of
mere men and women who defiantly hold to 'their'
selfish traditions with both hands and stick to
their guns even though they have run out of
ammunition. St. Paul calls them bewitched, while
persisting to render the word/doctrine of the Christ
(which is prized by God above heaven,
earth and humans) void, empty and nothing to be
taking seriously......Galatians 3:1-4, 1 Timothy
2:11-13, Matthew 15:8, 9.......Selah........click.
Presents one for another on someone else's birthday
(some on demand, even threats)
depicting the true roots of this 'seasonal
creation' of religious peoples, most certainly
blind leading the blind into yet another showing in
the flesh with converts to 'the season' to go
with it.
Still with no witness of any apostle or disciple of
the Christ buying, selling or making a singular
present for the 'Christ's Birthday Celebration
Season' and giving to one another as promoted by
religions, traditions of men and women. They even
hold it up as seeking God's righteousness and teach the
little children the same lie.......click.
- We are told by scripture to
remember the Christ in one way and this was from the
'Lambs Mouth' and it wasn't 'seasonally'
or otherwise it was every day and each time we meet.
It was his death, burial and resurrection in other
words ....The Cross. The very happening that
trumpets to the entire globe daily....."we don't
have to live in 'known' sin anymore"...the
Good-God-News. This is the very news frowned upon by
both churches and the world alike especially when it
comes to absolute predestination, date - rape,
homosexuality, lesbianism, ecumenicalism, greed
$$$$, priesthoods, woman pastors and church
St. Paul left nothing out, he said so himself.
Paul said that his doctrine/canon was Christ's and
if it wasn't going to be helpful he wouldn't bother
mentioning it. Yet he declared the 'Full Counsel'
of Yahweh not adding to or taking away therefore had
no man or woman's blood on his hands.....Acts
● So where - O - where is St. Paul's teaching
about the 'Santy - Alias Nick - Alias Christmas
Season' written?........click.
Let us not go beyond what is written lest we be
deceived and deceive others all the wide-way to
hell-fire. The Bereans checked the script (as we
have here today) to see for themselves.....'if
it was so' and to confirm if it was written and
a true teaching of the church or whether it was a
religious tradition of men and women. We have by the
leading and authority of 'holy ghost and
scripture' together in unison come to see
clearly that 'Christmas' is not written or a
practice of the true church - the holy remnant,
headed up by Jesus the Christ.
- Christmas, like priests,
purgatory, Sabbaths, tithing, baptising babies,
holy-water in bowls, Mary as co-redeemer and mother
of God, praying for and to the dead, price tags and
bar codes - the selling of bible scripture/peddling,
along with credential cards to recognise and give
men permission to proclaim 'salvation/freedom
from known sin and holiness to Yah/God'........are
not written in new testament scripture for us to
uphold, for these things simply aren't so.......Acts
17:11, 19.....Selah!
● What shall you do in 2008, will you repent
of any or all the above if applicable to your life
and turn from your sin, come clean before Jesus who
is faithful and true to forgive all or will you
harden your heart (in pride) as the
rebellious do when told the truth?.....2
Corinthians 7:1.
● Teaching teachers and contending with the
contenders as Father leads.
Pastor Paul Sheehan/Saint
Jeremiah 3:15
P.S. The folly of fools is deceit....click.