to the crtitique of the book/manuscript - 'Fire and Hammer'
by Pastor: Paul Sheehan....click
Greetings Brother Paul, many thanks for all the good things received from your end, manuscript, dvd’s, booklet on ‘Jesus True Disciples’ .. chat, teaching and comments. I enjoy them all and take time to absorb them, I am not quite as quick as I used to be ... "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit" .... ref/Philemon 25.

As I travel through your book I am saying to myself .... yes, exactly, I agree .. then I have a bit of a chuckle to myself and I take more notes. You will agree with me when I say "no patronising & no back-slapping" either! ..... Jesus Christ is central in all things is He not?

These are my final thoughts and impressions regarding your Book ‘Fire and Hammer’ ...

Bro. Paul & company well behind the breakwater .. click

As I read through your M/S it spoke to me all the way in different ways ... it's perhaps hard to say what and why but it is clearly inspired by Holy Spirit. And of course it tells of discerning, all about your 'tough path' on the road to Salvation (to the uttermost), how the path will be hard, and all the warnings & challenges and encouragement that God gives us along the Way.

There is scripture in abundance in your book, God's mercy in Jesus the Christ is spoken of and emphasized - in fact absolutely no-one can help but be blessed ..'IF’ .. they read with an open heart and mind.

While reading, the Holy Ghost reminded me of the first prophetic utterance He gave me in 1981, where Jesus clearly said that ..

“His salvation was still on offer and available to all, and was free to all who were seekers after Him - that there would be a time to come which would be unbearable for all ‘but those’ who totally trusted in Him” –

Why, it seemed, there were so few who sought Him in His fullness, love and mercy...(I did write it down but long lost) . Just recently I was reminded of Psalm 119:2-3 .... "Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong but walk in His ways” ... click

Somewhere in your book you say ‘the very same things’ so by Holy Ghost you give Prophecy & Instruction, Warning, you point out Apostasy and Remind us of the one and only life time we are given to find Christ Jesus and welcome Him with open arms. Yet, very very few would have the patience to read and be blessed - I just know this - God's patience must be getting a bit strained by now!

Just to go over the Psalm again, and God often causes me to rejoice over this, once in the recent past H.G. took me to a plateau after I had found one of those 'hidden places' in prayer and He spoke audibly to me (in my left ear if anyone needs to know!) ... and it was audible and clear and direct saying ....

"Roger, seekest thou Me?" Well, you'd know what my reply was to that! Now the response to this (which I share with folk only occasionally) is one of disbelief or dismissal or down-grading, though most accept that Jesus spoke volubly to St.Paul/Damascus Road .. ref/Isaiah 53:1 ... selah.

Perhaps it’s more a matter of pearls before piggies? Thanks again for supportive media - I haven't answered all of your last message, will do so soon.

In Him
Bro: Roger Palmer,
Christian Expression Fellowship, Nottingham/United Kingdom.

20th March 2012

"Then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire and one sat upon each of them"
...ref/Acts 2:3.