'The Storm'

Copy of ‘prophecy’ received : This is what I saw at a time of contemplation late in the evening of 26th… August 2010.. after having asked the question ‘Lord who are your own - whom do you love to the end - in this Life and in the next?’ Then I saw the answer in graphic form - a sort of vision in my mind and it was as follows .. ref/John 14:23.

“A picture of the sea-shore - it was a pleasant day and thousands of ordinary folk I took to be Christian whom I sometimes considered as ‘decisionists’ or ‘professors of the Christian faith’ having merely made a decision to follow the way of Christ - they were all to be seen up and down the shore-line. All were having a ‘good time’ as if in holiday mode, eating drinking or slumbering & relaxing……. ref/Matthew 24:36-44, Revelation 3:14-2 .. click



It was a scene of peaceful togetherness yet I was almost alone, just with a few others observing this scene as a neutral observer, but behind a sort of solid breakwater…. ref/Micah 7:1-7…. click.

Suddenly the scenario changed, the blue sky darkened and the calm waves became violent-quickly on-shore winds drove the violent sea with crashing waves up the beach and caught and trapped thousands who were unprotected (not in the light-Word) and were not ready for this terrible contrast…… ref/2 Corinthians 13:5-7.


Many tried to run for the breakwater which offered some protection some but not many made it - for the rest it was too late and many were totally overwhelmed … click

These same souls who wondered before why there were a ‘few of us (remnant) behind the breakwater’ and had tried to coax us down (to the fun and games) now understood and tried to get to safety. But alas they were never safe as they had thought, and now they could not be brought to safety - disaster engulfed them and they were lost”…. ref/Matthew 7:13,14 ….. click

The question being ‘who are Christ’s own’? - quite simply those who will not be caught out when the storm hits and those who see no particular safety in numbers, and have personal trust in Jesus Christ and Him only…… click

Who watch for the signs and by being observers with patient endurance
…………….. ref/Matthew 26:41

Prophecy.....14th January 2012....."Called & Sealed"

(I believe that the Spirit is saying to me to make it clear that)….

“Today I AM – JESUS is calling to those who will respond … to a people who are numbered in the Heavenlies and have my seal upon their foreheads. These are they who will counteract the rising power of Satan both in and outside of the Church - willing to pay any price as Jesus Himself paid the ultimate price at Calvary. Neither fear nor the disfavour of men will trouble them, so staunch will they be in My Word and in Holy Ghost power.

Many will bless My called-out ones and many more will curse them as they did to the “Sanctified One” of Calvary .. Jesus………. ref/Revelation 1:8.


Seek Me whilst time endures for I AM infinite and eternal....."

Without the Gate / Hebrews 13:13

Bro: Roger Palmer
'Christian Expression Fellowship'
Nottingham, United Kingdom

Comment by Pastor Paul Sheehan … “Bro: Roger has no trust, respect or belief in (and speaks against) that cheesy doctrine of … Absolute Predestination , otherwise known as … Once Saved Always Saved, Once Saved Really Saved, A born-again person can never be lost”…… click

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