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Gather around people whoever you are
and I'll tell you a story about a man
he died for you and he died for me
and his blood ran down a hill, salvation
is found in no other name but the name
of Jesus the saviour......

They whipped him and they whipped him
and they spat in his face, he became
nothing that you could be great, greater
love has never been seen but he layed
down his life for his friends and you
are my friends if you do what I say for
the times they are ending.......

A new commandment I give unto you that
you love one another as I have loved you
and if you can do this they will know
you are mine and all the lost sheep will
come home for the latter now when then
be first for the times they are ending.
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Author: PMJ Sheehan
Bible Ref/Luke 6:46
Written - 1989
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