As I travel down the road of life
I've come to know that there's
lows and there's highs...

And I've seen that there's war
and there's peace and Jesus he
died on a tree.

He's coming again they say, on
the white clouds he'll be
riding that day...

And all the people who claim they
are his will be waiting to go
home with him...

Do you know my sweet Jesus, are
you born again, do you keep his
commandments, are you really
his friend...

Can you say O, I love him  and I
know he loves me?

Will he know you when he comes
back that day?
Paul Marshall John Sheehan


..........tis so sweet to trust in Jesus..........

Many will say to me in that day.........Lord,Lord, have we not prophesied in your name..........
cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name?
And then I will declare to them.....I never knew you...Depart
from me, you who practice lawlessness!..........Matthew 7: 22 + 23.

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