(1 Corinthians 6:8-11) |
Are Australians, Americans, British and the entire world nothing
other than hypocrites or what?...good question, teacher....click.
First I want to determine what a ....terrorist ....is, in as few words
as possible. A terrorist is a ....sinner. And Yahweh said through the
prophet Isaiah that all have sinned and other scripture tells us all
that all were born in sin (including Mary, the mother of the man Jesus).
Interesting hey?....Isaiah 64:6, Psalm 51:5.....click.
A sinner is one who is hell bound, heading for eternal-living-death
unless of course they repent of their sin and follow but one, the one
and only true God-Jesus the Christ......click.
We do not hear about Buddha hanging on a cross for your sin neither do
we hear about Mohammed, Lady Dianna, Elvis, The Pope or any roman
catholic priest hanging on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins.
We only hear of Jesus dying on a cross for our sins. Let's not play the
hypocrite by pointing the finger at terrorists/sinners, while we
ourselves are living in sin defying God, Jesus the Christ
Whether we be part of a denominational church structure or not, if we are living in
known sin we are no better off than terrorists, murderers or thieves,
prostitutes, sodomites or lesbians.....according to the holy bible.
Are you a hypocrite?......you don't have to be, you can repent, not say
sorry and go back to your sin tomorrow but repent-turn away from your
sin and walk in the light of his/Jesus words, doctrine, way.
The greatest torment in hell will be regret. Myriads will regret that
they never turned from their sin to worship the living God-Jesus the
Christ.. Acts 3:23....Amen....click!....click!....click!
Pastor Paul
Sheehan |
18.09.2005 |
http://www.fireandhammer.com |