Nothing defiled
(dirty, polluted, sinful) no thing, no man or no
woman, no one that has and is part with what God calls
abominable and no one man or woman (regardless to who
they were in the world's eyes) who is involved in
the devils programme,
No doubt churches and their leaders don't believe what
the holy bible says neither do their congregations.
Going by what the denominations teach and accept in
today's religious
The well known and famous (in the eyes of men and
women) Billy Graham of the Baptist persuasion who is
a true believer of once saved always saved or in Christ
your right with God or even predestination by election,
is being endorsed these days by all sorts of
organizations. Even David Wilkerson of Time Square Church,
New York, a man considered a prophet, also gives the nod
for Bill. Time is definitely running out.
The daughter of Bill Graham (Ruth) was speaking on the James
Robison - Life Show, channel 10 Australia on the
9.2.2006 and she brought glad tiding for all
compromisers, lukewarm and sinners and sinner - saints.
Bill's daughter says that, made it very clear to all
that, ....."we are all sinners, whether
born-again or not"......sounds a little
absolute predestinationish to me.
James Robison was licking his lips with this this lying
statement and joined in and made this comment...."heaven
will be full of sinners". So what shall we do
with the song that says....when the saints go
marching in?
It will have to be changed to when....the sinners go
David Wilkerson is another who has been floundering
around in the mixed - bag - doctrine of christendom for
some time now (e.g. his message - Standing Steadfast in
Christ, 22-1-2006) and birds of a feather have to fly
together it can be no other way. Yes, dear reader, the
one-world-church is fast forming with all its worldly
acceptance and its famous ones hanging out of the
balcony singing out aloud.....jesus is (a) lord, I'm
a kings kid, a worldly baby goat
● But there shall by no means enter the new
jerusalem/glory land any brand of sinner, sin lover,
disobedient one or griever of the ghost of the Christ...... click.
Nothing grieves God/Yah more than false teachers,
hypocrites, traitors and those who go by the way of
Balaam of Beor......2 Peter
Is your name in the 'Lamb's Book of Life'?
Many have had their name placed in the book of life but
God has removed it yet these ones know not that their
name has been removed. And on the great day of Yah,
many, many, many, will say lord! lord!...and he will
say, go away from me. Remember the Laodecian Born-Again-Blood
Christians?....they had no idea that they were poor,
miserable, wretched, naked and blind but the Christ said
they were. The Laodecian Church typifies the American,
Australian and European Mega Churches of today. They are
deceived into thinking that they are healthy, wealthy
and wise but they are poor, sick fools in houses of
mirth....Revelation 3:17, Ecclesiastes 7:4...
● Selah!...amen. |