


This morning I was preaching in down town Brisbane (you taught in our streets - e.g. Luke 13:26) and a young man came by me and was speaking rather

This same young man came to me only two days before telling me that he remembered me from years ago when I was preaching in another region of Brisbane. He said that he was now going to the AOG Denomination on the north east coast of Queensland.....2 Corinthians 11:10,11.

He also told me that his wife or girlfriend (one of them) was a youth pastor/pastorette. Knowing that there was a major overhaul to be performed on this young man I made a decision to only give him some of our literature....a book/birds and fish, our latest tract/If God Wills and the newsletter from the last Sunday's meet/N/L

Anyway, this young fellow did not stop to look me in the eye this morning but said whilst on the move... "I prayed about you last night and God told me to tell you to join a denomination."

Well, you could have knocked me over with a tissue, I was nothing short of gob smacked, especially as the oracles of Yah say this..........
  • Jesus forbids sectarianism......ref/Mark 9:38....selah!
Hence, our young AOG chappy with his pastorette lady friend, youth pastorette lady friend, who did not have the courage to stop and address the issue with godliness has heard from another god, maybe even the god of this world.....satan. As do all of christendom churches who tie themselves up day after day with the affairs of this Timothy 2:4.

Before he had time to escape fully I managed to get to ask him if his wife, girlfriend's name was......Eve. His reply I was not able to catch for he was well and truly motoring by this

The world is brimming with God Said!, but it is clear that God did not say for these wanton worshippers are miles away from the road called straight and when you ask them to give defense for their hope they either go on the run or they go into hiding. Of course there are also the few who fight tooth and nail to uphold their heresies  and hybrid

Still on the front line with the blades down, digging deep.
Pastor Paul Sheehan
Matthew 23:28-36