Bible verse............Then we who are alive and remain shall be 'Caught Up' together with them in the 'Clouds' to meet with the lord Jesus the Christ 'In the Air' and thus we shall always be with the lord Jesus the Christ............ref/ 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

.................COMMENT FROM THE PASTOR'S PEN......................
As a minister of 'the truth' I am obligated by my commissioner the Christ to show no partiality whatsoever to whosoever. Therefore when I spot an error I must reveal it to all I can find, holding back nothing that may be profitable, helpful to the willing listener in the 'Race of Faith'.

With regards to the long debated.....Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation beliefs and teachings I believe that the scripture above tells the entire story about which teaching is correct. That is, if we are prepared to accept the truth....scripture, which few are, for few find the narrow gate because few are looking for the narrow gate. I must admit, it is far easier to find and stay on a wide road than it is to find and stay on a narrow road, besides, who needs the hassle. After all, we are all looking for the good (easy) life ain't we?.....not really....all save a remnant/oddment says Messiah....ref/ John 8:30-36, Matthew 7:13, 14........click
Yes, I believe in the 'Meeting in the Air' not the meeting on 'Terra-Firma'. The meet in the air on the clouds with the 'faithful and true servants of the Christ, the bonafide sons of God'. No unrepentant-backsliders or apostates....male or female, black or white, rich or poor will be at this meet, they will be left to taste and be saturated in, even marinated in the blood of the 'Great Tribulation'.....Horror, disaster, mayhem, evil and torture the world has never envisioned ever since its beginning.

We are told expressly to comfort one another with this 'Good News - Truth' in scripture.

It's what I call the Greatest Escape Ever!......a supernatural one, orchestrated by Almighty God Himself.....Yahweh, before the earth was formed, for the 'faithful and true only' exclusively.

Messiah is a God of quality not quantity, he has a remnant of Jews and a remnant of gentile faithfuls, he excludes all apostates, traitors, unrepentant backsliders and workers of iniquity from His Father's House.....ref/Luke 8:21, John 15:2.....click.

The reality is that the highest demand of all is on the 'Pre-Tribulation' believers, all because it commands and demands that we be ready now, today, every day and every moment of the day. This is a high call and the high call of God in the Christ Jesus....Holiness!.....which without we shall not see God Almighty. A call that only Wise-Virgin-Saints will be able to meet. The Living-Sacrifices whose Lord is God-The Christ and not self ....ref/Matthew 25:1-13, Hebrews 12:14, Hebrews 5:9, Romans 12:1, 2 Corinthians 5:15....Selah.

However, this is not 'Good, truth-filled News' for those who are dragging their feet, lukewarm, living in known-sin, on the wide road neither does it interest Mr. or Mrs. In-between, much rather it is frightening and even called heresy by such a batch of wayward peoples.

Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation believers and teachers generously give themselves and others a little more time to prepare themselves, they have this Esau mentality about them.....ref/Hebrews 12:16, 17.

They also have a better idea than Father of the time of the Christ's Return for his saints, so they think. But God does no such thing as cut slack to anyone regarding his appointed times, for he does not think like men and women. It's like the young man that wanted to bury his dear dead Dad first and 'then' he would follow Jesus. It's easy to see whose calling the shots here isn't it? it's profane.......ref/Hebrews 12:16, 17.

Very generous of him but the Christ said.....No!.....let one of the dead (unsaved) people who knew your dead (unsaved) Dad bury him but as for you, come and follow me......Now!.....Right Now!......Are you ready Now!?......if Jesus was to come upon the clouds as he left. This kind of talk is just far too taxing on the social , sin and party life for most today.

Hence many choose to select the Mid/Post Tribulation theory with a quick grit of the teeth and you're in heaven, sure as. It's sibling teaching is the 'Death Bed Gospel'...where people live their lives like devils till about five minutes before they die, then they apparently, out of the blue (sometimes because the wife, husband or daughter insists) want to turn to Jesus and follow him, well, what do you have to loose? It sure beats this living every hour and every day of your life for Jesus stuff, enduring to the end of your life......click.

However, the Christ of the holy scriptures is very 'Commanding and very Demanding'....so much different from the Jesus of the churches today. The Jesus in today's churches is so much more 'Family First' orientated, haven't you noticed, the seats are all full in these kinds of Religious-Denominational-Dens. There's just far too much monies to be made, to go speaking the unvarnished-truth, especially about being ready 'now!!!, today!!!!! everyday, to be judged by your maker and God....ref/2 Corinthians 11:1-4.

The Christ says we must be ready, waiting, spotless, with lamps burning and full, in love with Him, hot, obedient and found faithful to Him and worthy of Him.....ref/Matthew 25:1-13..........click.

Doesn't this sound like someone is coming to collect a special peoples, a virgin-peoples/bride/church and snatch her away to Himself, after all he-the Christ is a jealous husband.

Or does it sound like an unfaithful, unclean woman-church-peoples that are going to be hanging about in despair, in a horrid nut house, a world of 'Great Tribulation' while their supposed husband/the Christ watches on helplessly and willingly?........Hardly!
The man concocted, satanic inspired teaching of 'Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation' is a master-piece-plan of the devil to cut slack to Christians worldwide, just as he did with 'Pastoress: Rebel Eve Dusty-Ribb from the 'Eden Bible College' of Absolute Predestination'.

Having them believing that the Christ will not come as a 'Thief in the Night' as he said he would come to the Christians who were slackers, compromisers, lukewarm and workers of iniquity. There will be weeping and gnashing of the teeth in these days.

'Mid-Tribulation and Post Tribulation' teachings both have no holy ghost urgency about them whatsoever, they are come-day, go-day hallways to easy going and loose living, wide roads whose end is Hell Fire Eternal. Hence, there is no need to sort out your salvation with fear and trembling.....today!......for the 'Great Tribulation' period is the time to prove your point to God that you love Him.

As for 'now' just coast along in the sailing boat called 'Mid-Post' for there is no such thing as 'Catching Away' at an unexpected time.....ya reckon?.....ref/Matthew 24:36-44....Selah.

The True Church, The Living-Sacrifices, The Virgin-Bride/Holy Remnant will be 'ready' when the Christ-Husband comes, 'ready and waiting' just as their God Commanded .....not deciding to follow the Christ in the midst of 'Great Tribulation' or because of Great Trouble, as those will do who are of the 'Great Tribulation Saints'....ref/Revelation 7:9-17, Matthew 25:1-13.

Because no man knows the day or the hour of his coming not even the Christ Himself but Father only. We must be ready daily, now, for 'now' is the day of salvation. We have the spirit of adoption in us by which we cry out 'Abba Father' not 'Sugar Daddy'!!!!!!.......ref/Romans 8:15.

If you are not ready 'now' and he comes, you will be left behind for the 'Greatest Trouble' that the earth has ever known of in its entire existence.

How shall we 'escape', if we neglect so great a salvation....escape?....escape what?......Sin, self, Satan, the wrath to come and hell-fire eternal, the second death.....ref/Hebrews 2:3.

There is going to be a meeting, a meeting in the air in the sweet, sweet by and by.....I hope that I will see you, see you in the air in the sweet sweet by and by....I know that he'll be coming just like he said....'up upon the clouds'....there's going to be a meeting a meeting in the air, in the sweet, sweet, by and by.......Amen.....click.

PS....And what if I am wrong and all the faithful saints, church, have to go through 'Great Tribulation'......Well, the Pre-Tribulation believers are far better off and prepared for this than all, because their theme and battle cry is....."We are ready Now!, this hour!, this day!, everyday!......Now!

These holy remnant saints, living-sacrifices don't live in the past or the future, they live in the 'Now' because 'Now' is all they have on this earth and if God, their God -Jesus the Christ let's them have tomorrow, very well and when tomorrow comes, they will once again be ready "Now!, that hour, that day,  all that day....Now'......ready and waiting for their  beloved-husband/God-Jesus the Christ, their redeemer.....ref/James 4:13-17, Genesis 19:23, 24.....Amen.

Pastor Paul Sheehan

...SUNDAY / 10AM .......TUESDAY / 7:30PM.......WEDNESDAY / 7:30PM .........FRIDAY / 7:30PM