Bible verse.......If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracle/sayings/words of Father and if anyone ministers let him do it as with the ability which Father supplies, that in all things Father may be glorified through Jesus the Christ.......to whom belong the glory and dominion forever and ever amen...Ref/ 1 Peter 4:11.

.................COMMENT FROM THE PASTOR'S PEN......................
Father's Words are the words/doctrine of the Christ, Jesus said nothing unless he first heard from Father......ref/John 8:26-29.....click.

Let me teach you a few simple things about.....'positive thinking'......And the people who speak this unGodly rubbish in pulpits. When you hear church leaders teaching about 'positive or negative thinking' in pulpits, you are awakened to the reality that these men and women are not speaking as the oracles of God and God will not receive the glory for their message for it is not in accord with the Christ. The professing Christian-Church has used this hyper-teaching for a long time to enlist peoples in their clubs, to no avail of the saving of the soul to the uttermost of course. All really only amounting to tribal recognition and finding a synthetic-peace with the unknown-God/Jesus the Christ...ref/Colossians 2:8............click.

Positive thinking is a degenerated mindset/Adamic, fallen and limited, it has no part with God the God of biblical-Faith......Jesus the Christ. Even the Muslims are now using this satanic-tool to influence peoples of the so called positives of their Religious Army yet another Common-Ground come One-Worldly Church instrument. Cunning as a dunny rat aren't they? Did not the devil/satan tell 'Pastoress: Eve Rebel-Ribb' to think positive and look at the positivity of her selfish rebellious decision?......ref/Genesis 3:4, 5.........click.

Besides it is only thinking, positive thinking and thinking can make nothing come to pass unless the thoughts are put into action. Positive-thinking is a way that leaves God/Jesus out of the equation. Even the spiritualists operate in ......'positive thinking'.....but God's way is by biblical - Faith in the Faith-The Doctrine/Teaching of the Christ. Positive thinking is the 'Little-God' attitude, men and women playing God, thinking things into being, this is nowhere to be found in the holy bible, only God calls those things that aren't as though they are........ref/Romans 4:17..........click.

Positive-Thinking people are by no means, in touch with the God of biblical-Faith/Jesus the Christ. So when you hear a church leader, a book writer, a speaker or a person calling themselves a 'Christian' talking in the terms of ....'Positive and Negative' be warned, that person is off with the pixies, off on their own carnal agenda, they are not being led by the spirit of God, for God does not use such grammar, they have another spirit leading them....click.

Choose the sweet plateau of the Christ, the oracles of Father, the place where there is no positive or negative-thinking, only the blessed Word of God. Every time I have heard a church leader use the terms positive and negative they have always shown themselves to be compromisers, lukewarm, people pleasers and most of the time salvation by electionists, once saved can not be lost ever again........ref/Hebrews 3:12-15........click.

This positive-thinking carry-on, a person unenlightened would begin to think that there is apparently negatives to Christianity. How can there be when all things work to good for obedient saints of the Christ? But if it is so (which it is not), would not the ministers be accountable to God to tell of this also as part of the Full-Gospel-Counsel holding nothing back and cleansing ones hands from the blood of all men and women. Then again, Almighty God and his-way/doctrine could not possibly ever be considered negative, even the most gruesome of verses, for he is pure and perfect in all his ways, God is Love, remember? So the positive and negative Christians definitely have another gospel, another Jesus and another spirit as do the Muslims and every other religion of men and women inside the religious gate......Ref/Romans 8:28, Romans 11:22, 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, Hebrews 13:13.

We often hear religious people say..."is 'your' faith worth defending?"....and we also hear people say..."we have 'our own' faith:!...when offering Jesus message to them.....And then we hear the cry of the saint/holy remnant who say......"we contend for The-Faith-doctrine of the Christ".....Which one do you warm to.

As one Roman Catholic said to me recently, when I offered her a brochure about Jesus, she said..."What is that?"....I said..."A message about Jesus"....she said..."No thank you, I am Roman Catholic"...........Need I say more?...........click.

Pastor Paul Sheehan

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