GENDRON TWO....... |
- Mike Gendron of Proclaiming (A) the Gospel
Ministry, USA, writes in the CETF March/2006/Issue
35, page 11.........
- Subject Matter.......Does the christian church
need to be evangelised?
- MG......"When people hear the word of God,
enabled by the spirit of God to trust the son of God
they become a child of God".
- So what does the holy bible say?.....Faith
comes by hearing, salvation doesn't come by hearing. Many have heard,
been enabled but refused. If there be no confession
I doubt whether there be any salvation......Hebrews
Confession is made with the mouth to salvation and
belief is in the heart which brings forth the
confession or allows us to verbalize our
intent, heart condition.......Romans
It is obvious Mr. Gendron doesn't understand that
prayer is talking to God. I am referring to his
statement, (red flag quote) that of repeating a
suggested prayer. Besides, becoming a christian is
not the problem of the last days, it is remaining
one.....ref/Hebrews 3:12-15, Luke 9:62, John 6:66.
And of course the fair weather peoples of the Laodecian
(evangelical, pentecostal, charismatic)
church are another example of 'God Given Faith',
Does the christian church need to be evanglised?......I
firmly believe that the pulpits, seminaries, bible
colleges and conferences would be the place
to start, so that the peoples will have the gospel
available rather than a
Another of Mr. Gendron's brain wave ideas in this
article relates to "God Given Faith". What MG
doesn't see is that God only dishes up one kind of
faith and many be they who have been partakers of it
but few be they that (care to or do) endure to the end says the
established canon of
- Ananias and his wife were partakers of God given
faith, they lied to holy ghost and were struck dead
by God/Yahweh. And many a jolly baptist pipe up and
say, but that doesn't mean they lost their
salvation. However, the scriptures tell us all, once
again, that "all" liars take their part in the lake
of fire not Jesus Kingdom. Unless of course that
part has been rewritten for the sake of roman catholics,
back slidden pentecostals, evangelicals and x roman
Actually, we can not even repent unless Father
allows us, unless we bear fruits worthy of
repentance. Fruit worthy of God allowing us to
repent so what's the fuss about? Saved by grace
through faith, neither is ours or ever was, so how
can anyone (in the light of the Christ) say 'salvation by works'.
For we can not even do genuine works without "God
Given Faith'. Could Mike still be a roman
catholic or maybe just sincerely confused?. I am
sure he means well, don't all calvinists? Like the
(holy?) man Spurgeon and his corona cigar hanging out
of the side of his mouth while confessing ('The
Cross') death to
self. Hardly my idea of a mentor of selflessness.
Not to mention his munificent library and grand
dwelling place, did holy
ghost get a look in?
In the fear of God/Yahweh
Pastor Paul Sheehan
Philippians 3:8-11
Whosoever calls (sounds like there's a voice
(prayer) involved here) upon Christ's name shall
enter into safety......Romans 10:13, Romans
"God Given Faith' displays no price tags or bar
codes, ref: Jesus, Peter, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke,
John, James, Jude and all new testament disciples
who were subject to Messiah's doctrine.....2 Peter