As a minister and a part of the
body of the Christ I am concerned about the messages
that are leaving pulpits in the churches today across
the globe. Especially one particular church in the USA
'Times Square Church' New York, New York. For it
is this church that is instrumental in influencing many
today in a dangerous
David Wilkerson, the senior pastor of this church has continually
proven (to me anyway) that his doctrine and the
doctrine of his piers have strayed from the doctrine of
the Christ (if it was ever fully there).
Dave entertains compromise and aids and abets ministers who
never bother to drive the 'nail of truth home'
within his congregation. Dave has women in the pulpit
teaching his flock and has prophesied things that have
never come to pass. Not to mention his connection with
the charismatic movement. Dave's teachings have actually
opposed those of the Christ, St Paul and St John/the
beloved. He waters down scripture and forever chooses
the middle ground to please people rather than God,
although he would say
Mr. Wilkerson who calls himself a prophet and is
accepted as a prophet in his own country, persists on
avoiding the absolutes and the ultimatums of the
scripture's of the Christ and profits from this with
added heads to his pews, as well as other treats. I firmly believe that he along
with many other 'growing' churches across the
globe need to do some serious revision of their
teachings before messiah returns least they be
destroyed.....John 4:44
Dave has prophesied things that have never come to pass,
he presents himself on TV programs (James
Robison - Life Show) which are run by men and women
who are fine regarding humanism and fund raising but when it comes to
laying the axe to the root they are very stand-offish
least their program suffer. But then how can a church,,
ministry, minister, suffer, be rejected, neglected or
rubbished in these days while they aim at finding out
what the people want and giving it to them exactly when
they want it?......prosperity, peace, unity, women in
the pulpit blabbin wives tales and love for all even
those who do not what the Christ says.......John
Dave's decline over the years has barely been noticeable
to his prophetic-fan-club but remains obvious to the
burning and shining lamps of the world and stands out
like an infected boil on a man's nose. This surely
proves that money, fame and fortune makes the knees weak
and flattery surely
The smell of compromise, leanness toward dealing with
sin, the issue of damnation and the biggest apple of
all.....that stinkin' calvanistic doctrine (of "once
saved can not be lost" or as Dave Hunt puts it
"Salvation is a gift that God will not take back and God
makes it clear, certain, can never be lost")
that has
wafted out of TSCNY far too long, it's high time they
addressed it before Yahweh addresses
Dave Wilkerson was asked the question Feb/2004 did he
believe in and endorse "Word of Faith" teachings and
practices. The only reply that came back from the TSCNY
"Dave made it a practice not to listen to idle
rumours, we can not address this situation. This is our
final word on it".
They say this man is a prophet.....whose prophet?....a
prophet for the people from the people or a prophet of
God/Yahweh to the people for the saving of their
wretched souls from eternal living hell fire....
● Trusting you will study the contents with
consideration toward your eternal existence after
● Pastor Paul Sheehan
● Unprofitable Servant
● Luke 17:10
04/08/2006 |